Patel Hiteshkumar Chandubhai, 37, a UBTS worker, was sentenced for accepting bribes from Gopal Krishna Raju, 37, to under-report the weight of bags being checked in at Changi Airport from January 2015 to November 2016. Gopal, who bought gold from Singapore and sold it in Chennai, would offer passengers, who were heading to Chennai from Changi on Tigerair flights, money in exchange for taking gold in their luggage. Gopal bribed Chandhubai to misreport the weight of these passenger’s luggage. He was given an eight-week prison sentence and fined $800 (c. £630). Two other workers at Changi Airport were sentenced for accepting bribes on 26 April. Ayyadurai Karunanithi, 47, was jailed for nine weeks and fined $500 (c. £395). Gerizim Kirubai Raj Deved, 35, was jailed for seven weeks and fined $630 (c. £500).