The co-pilot of a Delta commercial flight threatened to shoot the captain during a flight in August 2022. He has now been federally charged with threatening to shoot the plane’s captain. The threat was prompted by a disagreement over a passenger’s medical event and the need to divert the aircraft to another airport other than the intended destination, authorities said. He is now facing a felony charges.
First officer Jonathan Dunn told the captain they would be shot multiple times if the flight was diverted. The Department of Transportation Inspector General’s office detailed the occurrence in a report that said the two disagreed about the situation related to a passenger medical event. Dunn, who is from Marysville, Calif., was indicted by a Utah grand jury. The court documents say Dunn “used a dangerous weapon in assaulting and intimidating the crewmember.”
Dunn was authorized to carry a firearm as part of the The Federal Flight Deck Officer Program that authorizes flight crew members to use firearms to defend against an act of criminal violence and air piracy while attempting to gain control of an aircraft. Dunn was not only removed from that program but fired from his position at Delta Air Lines, according to the company.